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Haka Team Building Workshop

De Haka is voor de Maori’s een manier om uiting te geven aan de groepskracht, groepsidentiteit en de passie die zij als groep én persoonlijk in zich hebben.

Really building a team in the Teambuilding Haka Workshop

Duration: 60-90 minutes

In a short introduction, the Haka trainer tells inspiringly about the origin and meaning of the Haka. But also about the power of cooperation and team spirit. This is made clear when they watch a short film about the famous All Blacks rugby team of New Zealand. Then the participants get to work themselves.

During the Teambuilding Haka workshop, participants will learn the basics of the Haka dance in a short time. Teams will be guided to create their own Haka dance and perform it as a group during a battle. All this in a workshop full of energy, connection, leadership and expression.

Teambuilding Haka

What is the Teambuilding Haka?

The Haka is the widely praised New Zealand ceremonial war dance. The Haka is a way for the Maori to express their group strength, group identity and the passion that they have as a group and personally. Nowadays, you see them competing to impress their opponents (rugby matches), or to present themselves to important guests. In the Haka, you use your voice, feet, legs, hands, tongue and eyes.

What are we going to do?

When participants leave a meeting, they do not yet know what awaits them. This quickly becomes clear when they meet our Haka trainers during the Maori Experience. Haka Team Building Workshop is truly a unique experience for teams and organizations in Belgium and the Netherlands.

100% Team

Internationally, the Maori tradition has become known through rugby. The 'All Blacks', the New Zealand national team, perform the ceremonial Haka dance before every match to impress their opponents. Our Maori Haka workshop is based on the ceremonial Haka dance.

Who this workshop for?

Haka Teambuilding is suitable for everyone.  It is perfect as a motivating teambuilding workshop. Ideal to book as:

  • meeting break,
  • off-site meeting,
  • rounding off your team day or a
  • fun and active opening event
  • opening and/or closing of a team day

Where it will be held?

Duration: 60-90 minutes

The Haka Team Building Workshop can be held at almost any location, both indoors and outdoors. Also at your own location, at your office or at an external location of your choice.